Just to keep you folks up to date on my latest Art Work. I have six new pieces which should be on my website by the end of this month.
They include 4 acrylic paintings and 2 pen and pencil drawings. The 4 acrylic paintings are of Mt. Odaray reflected in Mary Lake, Early Fall on Opabin Plateau, Mt. Cathedral reflected in Lake O'Hara and Mt. Assiniboine. Two of these paintings, Early Fall on Opabin Plateau and Mt. Cathedral reflected in Lake O'Hara will not be on my website. The 2 pen and pencil drawings are of Mt. Robson and Mt. Victoria. All 6 of these pieces will be on Sale at the Cochrane Art Club Show & Sale at the Cochrane RancheHouse, 101 RancheHouse Road on May the 4th & 5th.
We hope to see you there.