Wishing you all a "Merry Christmas" and all the best in the "New Year".
Just recently we have added two new Limited Edition Drawings to my Website, they are "Castle Mountain" and "Mt. Forbes". The drawing of Castle Mountain was drawn from a photo taken from the summit of Pilot Mt.
The Mt. Forbes drawing is a view of the South Side of the Peak looking from Coronation Mountain. Mt. Forbes is the fifth highest Peak in the Canadian Rockies, located West of Saskatchewan Crossing.
This fall I teamed up with Chic Scott and shared a double booth at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. We had a very successful weekend, selling books and prints. My six new Limited Edition prints were all 11" x 14"(image size) of Mt. Temple (North Face), Mt. Blane, Mt. Hungabee, Mt. Assiniboine, Mt. Forbes, Castle Mountain and they all sold well at $25.00 each.
I would like to take this opportunity at this time to thank everyone who has purchased my paintings, prints and books this past year.
I have started drawing and painting for the upcoming Art Shows taking place this Spring of 2012. Will keep you posted as to when the Spring Art Shows are taking place.