Saturday, February 5, 2011

Starting a New Year 2011

Where has January gone, it's hard to believe that we are already in February.  However, I have been spending the winter painting and skiing.

I have just completed a pen and pencil sketch of Mt. Blane in the Kananaskis Country and an 18" x 24" acrylic painting of a trail on Opabin Plateau.  These have not been entered on my website as yet however they will be installed at a later date when I finish several more pieces.

I am now working on a pen and pencil sketch of Mt. Hungabee and have started an acrylic 18" x 24" of the Ramparts in the Tonquin Valley.

I have been receiving several phone calls as to where some of my work is being displayed, at the present time you can visit High Country Art Gallery, 119 First Avenue West, in Cochrane.  This will be added to my website. 


Starting a New Year 2011

Where has January gone, it's hard to believe that we are already in February.  However, I have been spending the winter painting and skiing.  

I have just completed a pen and pencil sketch of Mt. Blane in the Kananaskis Country and an 18"x 24" acrylic painting of a trail on Opabin Plateau.  These have not been entered on my website as yet however they will be installed at a later date when I finish several more pieces. 

I am now working on a pen and pencil sketch of Mt. Hungabee and I have started an acrylic 18" x 24" of the Ramparts in the Tonquin Valley. 

I have been receiving some phone calls as to where some of my working is being displayed, at the present time you can visit High Country Art Gallery, 119 First Avenue West, in Cochrane.  This will be added to my website.  
